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Restraint is most often defined as "the use of body contact to restrict freedom of movement."
CRT's philosophy on the use of physical restraint centers around the idea that restraint is used only as a last resort in an emergency situation when a person is in danger of hurting him or herself or others. Restraint is never to be used as a form of punishment, convenience, coercion, retaliation, intimidation, or forced compliance.
Yes! We believe that most restraints can be avoided with the use of evidence-based, de-escalation techniques, and we spend a portion of each training session teaching participants to employ these techniques.
No, research shows that when injuries occur during the use of restraint, the vast majority of those injuries occur when a person is being restrained in a technique that requires the restrainer to take the restrainee to the floor. Additionally, documented cases of death of a restrainee exist during the use of prone restraint. CRT teaches safe, effective restraint techniques which are preformed from a standing position.
Participants in a "staff training" are taught the warning signs of danger, safety techniques to protect themselves and others, evidence-based de-escalation techniques, state specific restraint laws, escape techniques and restraint techniques to be used in emergency situations. Participants in the "train-the-trainer" program receive the same training as those in a staff training with the addition of instruction for training others within the participant's employing organization. CRT can also customize a program that combines the two programs.
Participants in "staff training" receive the CRT Manual. "Train-the-trainer" participants receive the CRT Manual and access to all training materials, including videos of CRT instructors teaching restraint techniques and the CRT End of Course Test. All participants receive on-going support from CRT staff, as needed. CRT never charges a fee for participant materials.
CRT has successfully provided safe and effective restraint and de-escalation training for over a decade with clients reporting a decrease in the number of restraints preformed as a result of our de-escalation training and our promotion of the idea that restraint is only appropriate as a last resort. CRT staff are available to travel to your location which can save your organization the added expense of travel. CRT has no hidden fees and is the most cost-effective, high-quality de-escalation and restraint training on the market.